Friday, February 26, 2010

This first bench is a clever ad for KitKat, most commercials show the candy bar half unwrapped so that you can see the individual pieces of candy, but also that you can still make out the coloring and the logo on the wrapping. The individual slabs of the bench show the different segments of the candy bar, which makes the brand easily recognizable no matter which portion of the bench is being sat on. Someone could even cover up the logo and leave the remaining red wrapper showing and the slabs of candy and most people walking by would recognize it as a kitkat ad.

The second ad is meant to inspire the local people of Istanbul to read more. Many benches like this are placed around the city. They look like open books and each bench carries poems from a Turkish poet. Its a clever idea because people who sit on benches are obviously sitting there because either they're tired of walking, or they are waiting for something or someone. This means they have plenty of time to read what is writing right next to them- they inspire reading exactly what the ads were meant for.

Heisse Tesse, an Erasco brand meaning "hot cup" sells warm soups. This ad is perfect for showing that. Soup sales definitely increase in the winter because people enjoy soup more when it is snowing outside- the ad shows that the soup warms people up so much their bodies can melt the snow right off of the bench.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

This is a great ad campaign for CLUE. It takes the central theme of the game- catching a murder suspect- and puts the target audience right in the center of the game. They don't even have to do anything out of the ordinary in order to participate in the ad, just wash their hands. The blood red coloring of the soap makes the consumer feel like they are washing blood off of their hands. Its edgy and provocative, the tag line "everyone is a suspect" exaggerates the suspicious feeling of everyone that players have during the game, and turns it around. Now people feel as though they have reason to have other people be suspicious of them.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The first one is my favorite of the three. Communicate Clearly for vodafone. I think its really clever. The red is the same red in the logo for the company. But I think ads with verbal solutions are usually going to have a lot of red in them to get the attention of their target audience because they don't have an intriguing image to grab attention immediately.

The last two are ads from the same campaign- Dagens Industri a newspaper in Sweden. The advertisements are urging people to advertise in their newspaper during the time of recession. They state that if you advertise when no one else is you will gain market share. I like the "peep" one more than the "recession at last!" one because I think it communicates more clearly the fact that no one else is advertising because of all the empty space.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


My least favorite of the ones I picked today so i'll do it first. Though its clever to warn against dropping knives not because it is dangerous for yourself but because the knife will go through the floor and become dangerous for your neighbors, the message of the image isn't instantly clear. This is because the knife is so small and the coloring is very pale, it takes a while to even find the knife. Also, though the look on the woman's face is funny, she doesn't seem to be in any immediate danger. I would have put the knife closer to her head and made the whole scene a little smaller and more zoomed in. Still clever though.

Ads with Visual Solutions. I had never heard of ansell before, maybe that's because I have never worn rubber gloves to do the dishes before. Nor do I care about rubber gloves. Or doing the dishes for that matter. But if I were washing precious china I would want to make sure I didn't drop it. These ads communicate the no-slip guarantee through visuals of extra handles and grips that have been added to the flatware and other dishes due to the glove that is holding it. Pretty well executed I thought, though I like the one with the mug the least.

The tag line is almost unnecessary. We all know what bad snoring sounds like, and can feel like, when you're trying to get a good nights sleep. I can sometimes hear my dad from two stories away.